3. Setting up the Android app
Setting up steps for the Trid - City Guide Android app
Last updated
Setting up steps for the Trid - City Guide Android app
Last updated
A device running Android 5.0 or newer
The latest version of Android Studio
Try to place the project file as close to root (D:/) as possible as windows has a path character limit of 240chars. So, if you get the error:"Failed to crunch file...", reduce the path length.
Ex: D:\Projects\YourProject
Open Android Studio and click 'open an existing Android Studio project'.
Make sure that you have installed Android SDK Tools, Android SDK Platform-tools, Android SDK Build-tools, Android Support Repository, Android Support Library and Google Play services.
2. Choose the 'Trid-CityGuide' folder and click "Open"
3. Go to your Firebase Console and download the 'google-services.json' file and replace the placeholder in app/google-services.json. If you skip this step you will encounter an error during compile time.
4. Press the Play button to test the app on the emulator or connect your phone via USB to your computer to try it on your phone.
Open file "trid/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml" to update your application info